Accessing Course (After Enrollment) & Unlocking Lectures

2 of the most common difficulties for many students that can come up in the course is logging into their account and unlocking the next lecture.

We have some information to help with that process below as needed.

After you have enrolled in this course, you have a 14-Days of Enrollment Access to all the material and once you finish you will be able to access your continuing education (CE) certificate.

If you find that you are having issues in unlocking the different sections of this course. It maybe that you have not clicked on the button to progress to the next lecture. For programs with continuing education, the different lectures must be completed in succeeding order.

See above in the upper-right section of the screen where it says "Complete and Continue"- or simply the right pointing arrow (>) if you are in a mobile device or in the app-, make sure to click this when done to progress through the course.

Sometimes people have issues accessing the material after enrollment, or they need to have their password reset. The general login link for PsychMaven's school is here:

Below is an optional video with a quick video we made to help navigate those issues for those who need help.

Complete and Continue